Sullivan's Island
Sullivan's Island

City Hall:
1610 Middle Street
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 427, Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482
Telephone: (843)883-3198
Facsimile: (843)883-3009
Town of Sullivan's Island

The Town of Sullivan’s Island, a barrier island north of Charleston Harbor, is comprised of approximately 2,000 residents in half as many households. These are primarily full or part time citizens that enjoy the relaxed lifestyle of the Island. There are very few short-term rentals and no hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, or other transient lodging.

The Town, incorporated in 1817 as Moultrieville, did not allow lean-tos or shacks then as now. At that time lots were required to have a minimum of ½ acre and the same is true today. Sullivan’s Island is unique in that the beachfront lands which have accreted over the years, are owned by the Town and held in a perpetual easement by the Lowcountry Open Land Trust protecting the natural environment along the Atlantic Ocean.

This Island has a long military history of protecting the harbor from invaders and there are many wonderful histories which capture those stories. Remnants of the military are abundant in now privately held military housing; even former fortifications are now single family residences. Many of these historic homes have withstood the test of time and ravaging weather.

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