Save The Light, Inc.
Save The Light, Inc.
Save The Light, Inc.
P. O. Box 12490
Charleston, SC 29422
Save The Light, Inc. began as a grassroots effort by concerned citizens.
The lighthouse had been in private hands since the GSA sold it at auction in 1965 to a private citizen. A businessman who hoped it would compliment plans for a camping ground on Morris Island purchased it. One year later, the lighthouse was purchased by another entrepreneur who was a partner in the firm that had just bought all of the land, high and submerged, on Morris Island. The lighthouse was intended to compliment an eventual real estate development. In 1996, a Columbia businessman unwillingly ended up with the lighthouse in a foreclosure action on a mortgage. While in private hands, the lighthouse suffered further erosion, deterioration and neglect.
When the new owner put the lighthouse up for sale, James Island resident Barbara Schoch saw an opportunity. She sought out Johnny Ohlandt, a James Island resident and conservationist who has lived his entire life on the water surrounding the lighthouse. From that simple beginning the idea quickly grew. As word spread, organizers found that there were several pockets of citizens coming together to discuss the lighthouse. In 1996, these groups came together as one.
Initially, the group was called the Morris Island Lighthouse Committee. It first proposed that the Charleston County Parks and Recreation Commission buy the lighthouse. The committee would then form a nonprofit foundation to raise the funds needed for preservation.
Barbara Schoch became Chairperson.
"Lighthouses have always played an important role in our maritime history while symbolizing safety, security, heroism and faithfulness. Please help us remain faithful to ourselves by preserving this important piece of our past, present and future."
~ Barbara Schoch in a letter to the editor of The Post and Courier
Public support came. Thousands of South Carolinians signed petitions urging the PRC to buy the lighthouse. While the Parks and Recreation Commission consulted with the state on the legalities involving ownership of the lighthouse, precious time was being wasted. In fact, yet another real estate developer expressed interest in the lighthouse.
Purchasing the Light
The members of Save The Light, Inc at a press conference on the northeast end of Folly Beach overlooking the lighthouse announcing its purchase.
In November 1998, the Morris Island Lighthouse Committee incorporated as Save The Light, Inc. After several years of public agencies debating ownership, Save The Light, Inc. bought the lighthouse in February 1999 for $75,000. Local artist Jim Booth and Charleston businessman Robert New guaranteed the loan for the purchase. The simple mission of Save The Light, Inc. is to save and preserve the Morris Island Lighthouse for the People of South Carolina.
"Saving the Morris Island Lighthouse is symbolic of what's great about America. A group of citizens recognize a need, and they get together and do something about it. In the case at hand, the need is to acquire and stabilize a structure, which, more than anything else, attests to our heritage as a seafaring community.
"The Maritime Association of the Port of Charleston has made a financial contribution to Save The Light. We congratulate its organization on the acquisition of the lighthouse and thank them for their vision."
~ John F. Hassell, III, President of the Maritime Association,
in a letter to the editor of The Post and Courier
From the outset, Save The Light understood and acknowledged the importance of the lighthouse being owned by the State of South Carolina. Simply put - the federal charter of the US Army Corps of Engineers does not allow the Corps to work directly with Save The Light or any private group. The Army Corps of Engineers may work only on government owned property or projects. The expertise, assistance and federal matching funds from the Corps are needed for the stabilization study. Further, and most importantly, the Corps can design, install and fund the needed erosion control around the lighthouse following stabilization to prevent future threats to the lighthouse. Without state ownership and the Army Corps of Engineers' assistance, the prospects for saving the lighthouse would suffer a serious setback.
Heritage Trust Program and the Department of Natural Resources
Artist Jim Booth released a
special-edition print to raise funds for
Save The Light, Inc.
"Save The Light took charge of efforts to save the 123-year-old lighthouse, a nationally recognized landmark, when public agencies wouldn't. It has done a magnificent job: It purchased the lighthouse from the owner, sustained the initial purchase price, and initial engineering studies have been completed.
"The level of public support generated for its preservation underscores the importance of the historic Morris Island Lighthouse to the community. The campaign for its preservation now needs the assistance of the state to move to the next stage."
Editorial from The Post and Courier, Nov. 2, 1999
Since the date of purchase, Save The Light has been dedicated to transferring ownership to the State of South Carolina through the Heritage Trust program, a program within the SC Department of Natural Resources. The act establishing the Heritage Trust program gives it the responsibility for the preservation of the important "natural areas" and "cultural areas" of the state. In the Heritage Trust Act, a "cultural area or feature" is defined as an "outstanding example of our historical or archaeological heritage and a site of special historic interest or containing outstanding remnants of the way of life and significant events of the past." It is clear that the Morris Island Lighthouse falls under this definition. In fact, the Heritage Trust Program Board agreed as well. In its February 2000 board meeting, it recognized the Morris Island Lighthouse as one of the top 100 cultural sites in the State of South Carolina and forwarded its unanimous recommendation to the DNR board to acquire the lighthouse from Save The Light. A mutually acceptable transfer has been negotiated with the Heritage Trust Program Board. On April 21, 2000, the Board of Directors for the SC Department of Natural Resources unanimously voted to accept title to the Morris Island Lighthouse.
The title transfer took place in December 2000.
Save The Light, Inc. signed a 99-year lease for the Morris Island Lighthouse. Save The Light will then raise the needed funds, work with the Army Corps of Engineers, and coordinate the preservation efforts for the lighthouse. The organization will also establish a long-term maintenance program for the lighthouse.
Donations have come from all over the United States and as far away as Switzerland and Italy. The group has raised more than $700,000 from a variety of sources and has more than 300 members, with an all-volunteer effort. Now, Save The Light is prepared to take its efforts to the next level. Applications for government and private foundation grants are being made.
