Charleston Airport's New Flights Swoop in to Deal with Demand
Charleston Airport's New Flights Swoop in to Deal with Demand
Renee Williams
ABC News 4
North Charleston, SC - Five new flights will be coming into Charleston International Airport this spring to handle increased traffic.
“It’s more opportunities for people to arrive in Charleston by air. Anyone who has flown recently knows the planes are filling up,†said David Jennings, Chairman of the Charleston County Aviation Authority said.
Three airlines, American Airlines, Continental and Delta are adding flights to deal with the demand.
“It’s a combination of visitors and business travelers that dies down in the winter but picks up dramatically when spring comes,†he added.
Delta will add three flights with Continental and American adding one flight each. The additional services will fly to Atlanta, Detroit, LaGuardia, Newark and Miami. Passengers are looking forward to added convenience.
“I think it is great. I live in Los Angeles and I fly here on Continental and Delta all the time,†said Steve Ushijima.
Airport officials say the additional flights will not affect ticket prices. The flights will begin to taper off in the fall when tourism season slows down.
